Movie Review**
**Title: “AN INSTANT DAD”**
**Rating: 7/10 **
“An Instant Dad” offers a delightful treat! Kenyan cinema brings forth a heartwarming gem, led by a talented cast, notably Blessing Lung’aho as the protagonist, alongside a young actress who shines in her role as his daughter—a charming duo indeed.
When a confirmed bachelor encounters an unforeseen visitor—a 10-year-old daughter he never knew existed—his life takes an unforeseen turn for the better.
The storytelling is akin to a cup of hot chocolate—sweet, comforting, and warmly executed. It’s a simple yet captivating tale, masterfully presented.
The film excels in its subtleties, presenting an intelligent script that avoids slapstick humor. Instead, it relies on nuanced acting for its comic relief, a testament to the skillful interpretation by the cast.
The pacing and dialogue are commendable, with moments where pacing lingers compensated by engaging dialogue, keeping the narrative intriguing.
Crisp cinematography and an astute directorial vision ensure a satisfying watch. “An Instant Dad” left me content and fulfilled.
**Written & Directed by:** Jennifer Gatero
**Now streaming on Netflix.**
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