Popular comedian, media personality, and entrepreneur Gbenga Adeyinka provided reasons to support his belief that stand-up comedy is not dead despite the growing popularity of comedians on social media.
He told Sunday Scoop, “Life is a continuum. The only thing that is constant in life is change. But, that is not to say that stand-up comedy is dead; we only moved a step higher. There is space for everything. In the past, not many people had phones, talk more of data to view audio-visual comedy materials.
But now the content has moved into public hands. Events such as weddings and comedy shows cannot be held on mobile phones and other devices. This type of content must be “captured in real time” before being deployed to mobile devices. Either way, I think the emergence of comedy on social media is a welcome development. This means we are growing. We always pray for it.”
The busy host also says that his life as an artist has taught him to stand up for his beliefs and not expect too much from others. He added that the comedy industry is still growing, but it’s a huge market that can serve as many people as possible.
He also explained that while showmakers make a lot of money these days, it doesn’t hurt stand-up comedians’ finances.
He says: “There is a market for everyone. We charge different prices. There are skit makers who earn less than others. So success is relative. We all grow together and have different needs. Focus on your skills and keep growing.